Reconnecting with the Spirit & Passion of Travel
Drawing on highly inspirational selections
from his bestselling series title Chicken Soup for the Traveler's Soul, author and adventurer Steve Zikman will take your audience
on an entertaining, insightful and transformative journey.
This program is designed especially for all
travel and hospitality industry professionals. Join Steve
as he reconnects your audience with the spirit and passion
of travel, demonstrating how each of us can make a difference
in today's challenging travel environment. His powerful presentation
will help attendees see their roles in a refreshing light
and integrate travel's enriching qualities into their personal
and professional lives.
Emerging Trends in the Wonderful World of Travel
Sharing quirky and insightful statistics,
predictions and observations from around the globe, Steve
Zikman reveals what lies ahead in the often not-so-predictable
arena of travel and tourism.
Gazing into his globetrotting crystal ball,
Steve focuses on some of the intriguing ideas, clever concepts
and frenzied fads affecting travelers and travel professionals
in the years, months and even hours to come. This fun-filled
presentation is sure to entertain, inform and inspire audiences
7 Steps to Success in Experiential Travel
Experiences engage people in a very personal
way. The greater the sensory experience, the more authentic,
memorable and transformative it is for the individual. Travelers
are focusing more and more on the experiences that travel
can offer--experiences that broaden their minds, touch their
hearts and enrich their souls.
Travelers are seeking new and richer types
of experiences--from historic tours and cultural events to
educational programs and learning vacations, from interpretive
wine tours and culinary classes to guided creativity workshops
and archaeological digs, from eco-friendly farm stays and
spiritual pilgrimages to volunteer vacations and spa retreats.
In this inspiring, insightful and entertaining
presentation, Steve Zikman will:
- Outline the essential qualities of an authentic, memorable
and transformative travel experience;
- Demonstrate how you can create and build upon those experiences;
- Help you increase profits by adding experiential value
to what you are already doing; and
- Reveal the innovative tools that urban travelers use to
search for their ultimate travel experiences.
Tourism & the Search for Authenticity
The best travel experiences occur when travelers
connect in an authentic way to a place and its people. More
and more travelers are making their travel decisions based
on how real they perceive an experience to be. Authenticity
is rapidly becoming the key factor in the minds and souls
of tourists everywhere.
In this informative, humorous and thought-provoking presentation,
Steve Zikman will:
- Outline the essential qualities of authentic travel experiences;
- Explore travelers' perceptions of what is real and genuine
in today's travel environment; and
- Demonstrate powerful and creative ways to tap into this
quest for authenticity and build upon these experiences.
Courting the Adventurous Spirit
Adventure travel has become the third largest
retail industry and grown into a $200 billion business representing
one-half of America's $400 billion tourism industry. Indeed,
50% of American adults have taken an adventure trip in the
last five years; 80 million people will look for an adventure
within a year.
Steve Zikman will explore the fascinating
mindset of the adventure traveler, highlighting ways in which
to attract a greater share of this lucrative and rapidly growing
Ecotourism & You
The International Ecotourism Society defines
ecotourism as "travel to natural areas that conserves
the environment and improve the well-being of local people."
It accounts for more than 20 percent of all international
travel. In this innovative and insightful presentation, Steve
Zikman will highlight the challenges of today's ecotourism
Using a backdrop of powerful, thought-provoking
images, Steve will take your audience on a journey into the
very heart of nature, demonstrating ways to create unforgettable
natural experiences and providing eco-friendly solutions that
offer a win-win-win-win situation for travelers, travel providers,
community hosts and the environment. Topics explored include
Urban Ecotourism, Rural Tourism and 'Green' Hospitality.
Getting the Most Out of Your Travels... and Life!
Whether it's for business or for pleasure,
travel presents us with unparalleled opportunities for adventure,
discovery and growth.
Sharing invaluable insights, an intrepid sense of humor and
spirited selections from his bestselling series title Chicken Soup
for the Traveler's Soul and The Power of Travel, author
and adventurer Steve Zikman will take your audience on a compelling
and energizing tour of travel's infinite possibilities.
Topics explored include:
- Taking Risks
- Embracing Change
- Dealing with Unexpected Adversity
- Finding your Focus
- It's All in the Attitude
- Courage and Commitment
- Achieving the Right Balance
- Following your Passion
- Connecting with your Creativity
- Living your Dreams
Steve will demonstrate how travel can help
your audience shift their perspective, conquer their fears,
and embrace life's challenges.
This entertaining and engaging globetrotter
will provide attendees with powerful tools and effective techniques
to integrate travel's enriching qualities into their personal
and professional lives.
Embracing Change & Transition
Change happens. Change is constant. The cheese
does move, often. Whether at home or in the office, our lives
consist of a series of transitions to the many forces that
cause change. Some of these are small adjustments while others
are large shifts. At times, they may seem overwhelming and
even insurmountable. How we respond to change will determine
our state of mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
In this innovative and insightful presentation,
Steve Zikman will highlight the challenges of change and demonstrate
creative and effective techniques to welcome the next fork
in the road with curiosity, excitement and a genuine sense
of opportunity.
The Path to Passion and Purpose
“I have so few real passions.”
“I’ve lost my compass.” “I know there's
something I'm supposed to be doing, but I don't know what
it is.”
Most of us have a sense that there is a better,
more meaningful way to live our lives, but we can't seem to
find what it is. Instead, we carry on doing what is required
of us, and still the voice returns, "There must be something
“The search for the purpose of life
is one of the deepest of our experiences as human beings,”
wrote Os Guinness. Discovering our passion and purpose is
vital to our happiness and well-being.
In this thoughtful and inspiring presentation,
Steve Zikman will help your audience:
- Discover their own sense of passion and purpose;
- Find more meaning in their everyday life;
- Create career and work opportunities that are more fulfilling;
- Connect to what they are truly meant to do with their
The Search for the Holy Grail
Do your days and weeks seem to go by in a
blur? Are your priorities off? Are you waiting until things
settle down so you can get back on track… and never
Balance takes desire, awareness, and determination.
Let Steve Zikman re-focus the fine line between what you need
to do, what you ought to do and what you really want to do.
Steve will help your audience:
- Determine what's working in their life and what's not;
- Clarify their values;
- Get a handle on what causes them to feel/be out of balance;
- Outline what needs to be changed; and
- Be motivated to take action.
How to Start Where You, Use What You Have, and Do What You
Drawing on insightful selections from his book, Doing Good for Goodness’ Sake, Steve Zikman will
inspire attendees to make a real and lasting difference in
the lives of others--whether at work, with friends and family,
within their community, or in the world-at-large.
Arthur Ashe said: "Start where you
are, use what you have, do what you can." Steve invokes
that same spirit as he demonstrates how audiences can view
their own personal and professional lives in a new and refreshing